Breast Reconstruction
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Berry Fairchild is committed to guiding her patients through the healing stages of their breast cancer journey using advanced breast reconstruction procedures. Her reconstructive work in Houston, TX is what she refers to as the “silver lining” in an otherwise traumatic experience. She proudly offers a wide range of breast reconstruction options tailored to your needs, body type, and aesthetic preferences.
Is Breast Reconstruction Right For You?
Dr. Fairchild understands that breast reconstructive procedures improve confidence and are often viewed as the light at the end of the tunnel during or following cancer
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Long-term impact of breast reconstruction on quality of life among breast cancer patients
Tkachenko GA, Arslanov KhS, Iakovlev VA, Blokhin SN, Shestopalova IM, Portnoĭ SM, Poddubnaia IV
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Breast cancer patients in remission have accomplished a monumental feat, and Dr. Fairchild is passionate about helping them restore confidence with breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
Women desiring breast reconstruction can sometimes choose the timing of their surgery. Many include reconstruction with their mastectomy, while others undergo reconstruction once breast cancer treatment is complete and they have healed from mastectomy surgery. During consultation, Dr. Fairchild will take a comprehensive medical history along with a physical examination. Her findings will help determine an optimal treatment plan to achieve the patient’s desired breast reconstruction results.

Types of Breast Reconstruction
Dr. Fairchild is proud to offer several types of breast reconstruction techniques and will work closely with each patient to determine the optimal technique based on their specific anatomical needs and desired cosmetic
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Types of Breast Reconstruction
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There are
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Breast Reconstruction
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two broad
categories of breast reconstruction options, which include implant-based reconstruction and autologous breast reconstruction. The types of breast reconstruction procedures Dr. Fairchild performs include:
Autologous Breast Reconstruction
During autologous breast reconstruction, Dr. Fairchild creates new breasts using her patient’s own tissue harvested from elsewhere on the patient’s body. The deep inferior epigastric perforator or DIEP flap breast reconstruction is Dr. Fairchild’s autologous reconstructive procedure of choice because she can construct natural-looking breasts using skin, fat, blood vessels, and blood supply from a tissue flap taken from the lower abdomen. DIEP flap breast reconstruction patients also benefit from a tighter, flatter abdominal area, with results comparable to a tummy tuck.
Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction
Dr. Fairchild may recommend implant-based reconstruction for patients who are not candidates for the flap reconstruction procedure or those lacking sufficient fat and tissue. Dr. Fairchild finds implant reconstruction can also be ideal for patients who prefer the aesthetic appearance of breast implants to the more natural breast results achieved by flap reconstruction procedures. Reconstructed breasts using breast implants may or may not require multiple
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Implant Reconstruction
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, depending on a patient’s individual needs.
Direct-To-Implant Breast Reconstruction
Dr. Fairchild’s direct-to-implant breast reconstruction generally requires less recovery time than autologous flap procedures. Breast reconstruction using breast implants is performed with techniques similar to those used in Dr. Fairchild’s traditional breast augmentation procedures using silicone implants.
Direct-to-implant procedures are often performed by Dr. Fairchild immediately following mastectomy in what’s referred to as immediate reconstruction. This may be the only reconstructive surgery required for some patients, while others may need a staged approach with fat grafting.
Expanders Followed By Implants
Dr. Fairchild uses tissue expanders most often in delayed reconstruction procedures. In staged breast reconstruction procedures, Dr. Fairchild will place tissue expanders in the breast pocket on the chest wall at the time of mastectomy. The expanders are inflated in her clinic over a period of weeks to allow the overlying skin to stretch and accommodate an implant or autologous tissue. Tissue expanders are exchanged for breast implants or replaced with flaps in a subsequent procedure.
Tissue expanders work by slowly expanding over time to stretch the breast skin enough to accommodate silicone or saline breast implants or flaps. Once Dr. Fairchild determines that the skin has been stretched sufficiently, the tissue expanders are surgically removed and replaced with the reconstructed breasts. Dr. Fairchild has done extensive research on BIA-ALCL, and in an abundance of caution only uses smooth surface tissue expanders in her practice does not use any devices that have been linked to
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Finding Consensus After Two Decades of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
Seminars in Plastic Surgery
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Lumpectomy Reconstruction
Lumpectomy procedures can leave patients with deflation, asymmetry, or various other aesthetic concerns. Lumpectomy reconstruction, or oncoplastic reconstruction is a breast surgery that restores shape and symmetry following lumpectomy, so patients can achieve their ideal silhouette.
Breast Symmetry Reconstruction
Dr. Fairchild offers several procedures that are designed to improve breast symmetry enabling patients to feel confident and minimize physical reminders of their illness. Patients who require breast reconstruction after a mastectomy or lumpectomy on a single breast can have surgery on both breasts to ensure a symmetrical aesthetic outcome.